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We are from Canada, teaching aromatherapy to Westerners in Chinese. Aromatherapy, with a 5,000-year history abroad, is like TCM for Westerners. Our school trains students as professional therapists, aiming to spread aromatherapy to all Chinese-speaking regions. Learning knows no boundaries.

About the school

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Aromatherapy School is located in Toronto, Canada, founded by Emma Huang from Taiwan.

Since 2012, the school has been approved by the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists (CFA), and the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) levels 1, 2, and 3 in the US offering accredited courses and certifications from the UK’s International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA).

We promote aromatherapy in the Chinese community in Canada and teach in Chinese to help enthusiasts become professional international aromatherapists. By providing instruction and exams in Chinese, we make this profession more accessible to overseas Chinese.

Our school operates in Taiwan, China, Malaysia, and Singapore. Wherever there are Chinese-speaking communities, we provide borderless learning opportunities, fostering growth, improving quality of life, and equipping students with professional skills.

About the Founder

  • Founder of Aromatherapy School in Canada

  • Principal of schools approved by CFA, NAHA&IFA

  • Registered Aromatherapist with CHAP/NAHA

  • Certified Aromatherapy Instructor with IFA

  • Founder of the IDDO emotional aromatherapy

  • First Chinese member on the CFA board of directors

Hello, I am 

Course Description


NAHA Level 1-3

Aromatherapy Course


IFA Certificates



CFA 400 Hr


  • 50 Hr - Level 1

  • 200 Hr - Level 2

  • 300小時 - Clinical Level 3

  • Complete our 400-hour program and you can apply for IFA certification without additional coursework or exams.

  • Complete our 400-hour program to qualify for the CAHP certification.

Course Advantages

  • Choosing What is beauty?! Aromatherapy
    School means you can earn recognition from the US, Canada, and the UK directly at our school.

  • Directly connect with overseas schools and aromatherapy information for sustainable learning, deepening your expertise and ensuring long-lasting professional growth.

  • We offer Chinese instruction and exams for Asian students, with English materials available for North American and English-speaking students. This approach allows for native-language learning while providing internationally recognized certification.

  • Our learning system is scientific, focusing on professional healing, formula secrets, and client guidance. Our online and live courses fully support students' needs.


About Canada CAHP Registered Aromatherapist

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  • The Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists (CFA), founded in 1993, is the leading aromatherapy association in Canada and globally. Since 1999, the Education Committee ensures that all aromatherapists are trained at CFA-approved schools and must pass a national examination to become certified. They receive the Certified Aromatherapy Health Professional (CAHP) designation and are also recognized by the International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA) in the UK without additional coursework. This certification is renowned worldwide as the gold standard for aromatherapists.

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About Syllabus

12 Essential Modules

  • MODULE 1:In-depth study of 65 essential oils

  • MODULE 2:Clinical applications & formulation of 16 base oils

  • MODULE 3:Compound applications & formulation of 6 hydrosols

  • MODULE 4:Analysis of the chemical structures of 65 essential oils

  • MODULE 5:Cross-formulated Essential oil blends

  • MODULE 6:Advanced clinical aromatherapy – Pathology

  • MODULE 7:Pharmacology of essential oils

  • MODULE 8 : Neuroscience & aromatherapy

  • MODULE 9 : Scientific study of chakras & the Enneagram

  • MODULE 10 : Physiology & anatomy

  • MODULE 11: Essential oil commerce & regulations

  • MODULE 12: Case Studies


Canada CFA 400-Hr Course Syllabus

Learning natural aromatherapy

International General Certificate

Courses from overseas

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  • Learning content:

  • When learning about essential oils, many students start to get confused after learning about the most types of essential oils. In this course, in addition to learning about 65 essential oils individually, we also have to do essential oil substitution exercises.

  • Learning content:

  • After studying base oils in depth, you will find that the effect of a single base oil is certain, and base oils with a good ratio can exert better effects and can also be used as the basis of beauty products. Students will learn to perfectly master the use of base oils in 16 essential oils.

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  • Learning content

  • Is there any difference between using pure dew alone and using it in combination? In fact, pure dew can bring different effects through different formulas. We will familiarize you with its effects and different proportions of formulas in 6 different pure dews, so that your pure dew can be used for multiple purposes.

  • Learning content

  • The basic chemical structure can roughly describe the basic characteristics of essential oils, but one essential oil may have up to hundreds of chemical structures. This is why essential oils have multiple effects. We will learn the structure of essential oils to the third level, so that the chemical structure of essential oils can help us better understand their effects.

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  • Learning content

  • When aromatherapists write formulas for essential oils, it is like having different drawers in their heads. They need to be able to respond to customers' problems immediately. When the body is inflamed, what can immediately reduce inflammation? The brain always needs to be able to think in a cross-cutting manner. This really tests the professionalism of an aromatherapist.

  • Learning content

  • Many people, after learning how to use essential oils, start to act like doctors, with one formula for everyone. However, if you don’t understand the client’s symptoms and give them essential oils, there are risks! Sometimes some symptoms look very similar, such as depression and autonomic nervous system disorders. Without in-depth study of pathology and knowledge in this area, it is very common to give the wrong essential oils and the wrong symptoms. Professional aromatherapists need to improve in this area.

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  • Learning content

  • In North America, essential oils can‘t be taken orally. Every medicine has the most suitable way to use it. Essential oils also have "medicinal effects" and the best "transmission pathways". To learn the pharmacology of essential oils, you also need to learn some pharmacological background of Western medicine. After comparison, you will find that you must study aromatherapy well because it is too professional!

  • Learning content

  • In recent years, many courses have focused on brain and nerve issues. Personality, temper, and psychosomatic diseases don't fully define a person. Sometimes adjusting neurotransmitters or targeting the brain can address issues like gynecological problems or mood swings linked to the stomach. Modern aromatherapy takes a scientific approach, offering valuable insights and applications beyond traditional energy-based methods.

  • Learning content

  • Essential oils are alive. They are indeed active and powerful. In the past, many mystics added aromatherapy to the mix, which made people unconvincing because they lacked a scientific foundation. If you study with a scientific foundation, you will find that these are just tools and aids in your work. Therefore, we should study energy from a scientific perspective.

  • Learning content

  • For advanced aromatherapy, we need to have a certain level of knowledge about physiology, because aromatherapy does not have many examination reports like Western medicine. If we do not have a certain level of knowledge about physiology and anatomy, our customers will question our positioning and expertise. Only when we learn physiology and anatomy while understanding related diseases can our aromatherapy be considered complete.

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  • Learning content

  • Different countries have different regulations on the use of essential oils. We need to understand the regulations in order to protect ourselves.

  • What should be included in the instructions for blending essential oils for customers? How should the fees be charged?

  • At the end of the study, the students wanted to know how I would plan my aromatherapy business in the future, or become an aromatherapy educator. In the course, we will teach the students to make the direction clear.

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  • Learning content

  • Choose a case around you to conduct aromatherapy research. Students can choose different diseases to practice aromatherapy. Of course, those who are interested in beauty can apply it to beauty, and those who are interested in emotions can also apply it in this area.

How many cases
do I have to complete?

A total of 60 items

need to be completed.

I want to finish all the courses.

Just starting a case?

Better to start while studying.

There is no best case.

These are the results of the experience.

Don't be afraid, just practice.

Previous students' evaluation

​Bianca from Hong Kong, an expert in education, is always very attentive in class, keeping up closely with the coursework. She balances her daytime job with evening studies, reflecting the busy lives of many working professionals. Thanks to the convenience of online courses, students can attend classes after work by simply turning on their computers.

Times are changing, and so are learning methods. As long as we are willing to adapt, we can expand ourselves in new directions. Looking back next year, we will see a completely different person.

Kathy is particularly memorable to our school. With a background in traditional Chinese medicine and a keen interest in aromatherapy, she has started teaching and helping many in her community. Despite a three-hour time difference with Vancouver, she always wakes up early to attend classes, overcoming challenges with computer use and vision. Truly, Kathy exemplifies the saying "live and learn."

Course Price

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Hold on! Please contact the school to get the discount code before placing an order!!

Course Q&A


Credits and Certification
Q: Can I transfer credits if I'm not a graduate of your school?
A: Sorry, only our current students can transfer credits. Credits from other schools are not accepted.

Q: Can IFA students switch to CFA certification?
A: Certification transfer is limited to schools approved by the UK, USA, or Canada. You need to choose a school recognized by these countries to be eligible for certification from any of them.

Online Courses
Q: Do I need to take Canadian courses in English?
A: No, we are the only Chinese-language school offering courses and exams in Chinese. The certificates are in English, and we provide English essential oil materials for North American students.

Q: How are online classes conducted?
A: We use an online learning platform and an app. You can also join live online classes every Wednesday.

Q: How can I discuss with the teachers?
A: Our platform includes a discussion space where students can communicate academically with Canadian tutors and schedule one-on-one sessions.

Q: Can I take the Canadian certification exam online?
A: Yes, many students from Taiwan have successfully passed the online exams.

Q: What is the pass rate?
A: If students study diligently, tutors will help them pass. If you put in 100% effort, you have a 100% pass rate.

Q: What if I don't pass the exam?
A: Each student has three attempts. For the first exam, the tutor will recommend a suitable time based on your readiness. Only register when confident.

Q: When can I register for the exam?
A: Exam times vary for each student. Discuss with your tutor before registering. Deep learning is recommended for 12 months to ensure professional competence.

Q: How do I take the exam online?
A: Once ready, the school will register you for the exam, which must be done 30 days in advance.

Q: Are there fixed exam dates each year?
A: No, exam dates are flexible based on individual progress.

Q: How long after the exam will I receive my results?
A: Results are available within 14 business days.





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What is beauty?!  Aromatherapy School
Markham Location
3555-14th Ave, unit11 Markham,ON L3R 0H5
Tel: 647-916-8524

Copyright © 2024 What is beauty?! Aromatherapy School All rights reserved.
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